Become a Trainer.

  • Work Virtually or In-Person

    Whether you choose to offer virutal trainings or travel the country, we make it possible and easy with our pre-formatted plan!

  • Superior Products

    Offer your trainees only the highest quality products. This will promote value for your businesses services, attract quality applicants, and promote retention.

  • Skip The Busy Work

    When using our training plan, you’ll hit the fast track and be able to start marketing within your own teeth whitening training immediately.

  • Price Breaks

    Experience even deeper price breaks as you order in higher quantities! With this starter package you’ll be able to market or grow a new e-commerce store selling all kinds of teeth whitening products.

A Safer Investment In Your Business

The reason we have an application based process for our Training Academy programs is to determine if training is the right fit for you. We want to provide you all of the information necessary to your specific situation. This gives us both an idea of what your plan is going to look & the ability to tailor that plan to your needs. Once your application is submitted, you will be contact within 1-3 business days.

How It Works:

Step 1: Submit Your Application

Step 2: Illuminate Will Determine Program Eligibility

Step 3: Review Your Tuition Options

Step 4: Complete Training & Product Order

Step 5: Start Offering Training Courses Within 4 Weeks!